Lev Wand, Anna Muratova

Genealogy of

culture and faith:

perceived and secret

(beginning, babelfish bad translation)

Moscow, 2000

What is this book about? on the history of man and those socio-cultural forms, in which it itself turns/makes havoc or tightens. The essence of proceeding with the man is examined together with the changing values, the relations with the past and by today's, dead person and living, by peace/world and by god. The content is erected so as to explain basic tendencies and motives of cultural history, and it itself as the method of knowledge, it becomes the object/subject of analysis. Account rests chiefly on the domestic material, in which much place occupy facts and reflections, which concern Russian mentality, orthodoxy, statehood and mythology and culture. In its topics and approaches the book is close to philosophical anthropology, history, so-called humanistic psychology.

It is addressed to the amateurs of serious reading and it is written by accessible language (in Russian).

Index                                                           Start                                                                Discussion

Preface to the second edition

This is not theory, not journalism, not philosophical system, not entirely history (although the title hints at it). However, there is in all gradually. But sometimes, it would seem, the confidently running lines are encountered the doubt, are interrupted by the aching sigh and even cry souls? So about which the book? Here, briefly, some of its themes:

In spite of the variety of topics, the reader, we hope, will perceive the entirety of the book, if it tries to glance at the discussed in it problems and the facts by the eyes of its authors. Especially as all topics (some are closer, other further) crowd around essences and bewilderment of Russian life, which is concluded in the certain dominant, which digests on its manner any influences, sometimes with the effect, reverse planned.

Moscow, November 2000.